Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Guest author, Heather Davidson, Ed.M., M.A., “Sadly, the divorce process is very broken. Remember, the longer your divorce drags on, the more money your lawyer will make…The money lost hurts not only each of your futures but also your children’s futures. However, with mediation, you and your spouse will hire one lawyer to work collaboratively with you. This reduces the cost of divorce significantly.”

Don’t Be Like Brangelina: 4 Ways a Bitter Divorce Can Cost You

Don’t Be Like Brangelina: 4 Ways a Bitter Divorce Can Cost You

Chances are you don’t have millions of dollars and twelve homes scattered across the country like Brad and Angie do. This means you need to think hard about which divorce route you take. Taking a mediated, amicable path to divorce doesn’t just benefit you; it helps your kids deal with the changes in a positive, healthy way. When your kids deal with the divorce in a healthy way, then your relationship with them will flourish.

Getting Divorced? 5 Reasons You Need a CDFA®

Getting Divorced? 5 Reasons You Need a CDFA®

Getting divorced without a financial plan is like driving on a highway without your headlights. You have no idea where you’re going. Divorce is one of the biggest life transitions. It has a huge impact on your finances – both short-term and long-term. If you’re going through a divorce or even just thinking about one, here are 5 reasons why you need a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) in your corner: They help you navigate the entire divorce process.